Let Me Have My Son - Digital

Let Me Have My Son - Digital

When you rent or purchase Let Me Have My Son in the UK, a portion of the price you pay goes directly to the CBN Prayer Line, which offers vital support through prayer to individuals struggling with mental health challenges, In this way, you give hope to callers in need. Also, If you yourself need prayer, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at 0300 561 0700 or visit www.cbneurope.com/prayer.

Ben Whitmore Sr. is awakened early one morning to learn that his son, Benny, after years of treatment for schizophrenia, is ready for discharge from Middlemouth Security Hospital. Giddy with excitement, Ben Sr. travels to Middlemouth to bring his son home. Instead, he discovers that Benny has gone missing, triggering an increasingly desperate search for answers.

Let Me Have My Son - Digital